How to Share the #BeHeard Survey Results

Learn best practices to share the #BeHeard report and present the results.

Everyone is anxiously waiting to review the results, but there is a strategy to the delivery.  You may be wondering how to best share results with employees and what data to share.  On this page, you'll find information on how to share organizational results and how to share personalized reports.  

Sharing Organizational Results

Before you share any of the results though, best practice is to have the executive team review the results first.  Similar to how you introduced the #BeHeard Survey, the report can then be shared with managers and other workplace demographic groups.  This will help your organization's leadership determine the priority areas and ensure that the presentation points and messaging are aligned with each target area of the organization (i.e. by company-wide results, department, management, etc). 

After your leadership team has reviewed the results, it’s recommended to share the organizational results in a company-wide meeting. An Engagement Plan can help you bring a cohesive strategy to the action you'll take.

All of the data can be easily accessed and shared from the online #BeHeard Premium Report, but we also have a PowerPoint Template that you can download to present the results if you prefer. Next, we have some email templates you can use to give your employees an update.

Important: If you included custom questions in your #BeHeard Survey, please be cautious about sharing the open-ended responses. While it is very important that you acknowledge the open-ended responses because your employees took the time to respond to them,  we recommend only sharing themes or highlights from the responses. Open-ended responses can be very sensitive. 

Sharing Results via Email

Whether you're sharing the #BeHeard Survey results with the Free Report of the Premium Report, here are some email templates to help you get started.  These emails also serve as great talking and messaging points for your Q&A sessions.

Free Report Email Template

Dear Team,

First of all, thank you for participating in the recent #BeHeard Survey!  The purpose was to give you the opportunity to anonymously and confidentially voice your opinions, thoughts, and feelings.  The #BeHeard Survey results are ready and we’re looking forward to sharing the results. The primary objective is to create an ongoing conversation to take action in the right areas based on your feedback to increase the overall commitment and employee experience at {Insert Company Name}

The results of the survey provide an overall engagement score and our effectiveness rates within five key organizational areas that shape our company culture.  Our Engagement Score came back at {%}, which measures how passionate and committed our {Insert Company Name} team is overall.  We really appreciate everyone's participation, we received {Insert Participation Rate}, which was {Below / Above our Goal of Insert%}.  We hope to keep growing that number as we continue to act on and measure our results. 

The survey revealed our strengths and identified the areas that we should make a priority so we can continuously increase our employee engagement score, which will serve as a benchmark as we begin to take action.  We are happy with our results but always strive to be better.  

Let’s start with our strongest engagement areas.  Our biggest strengths are based on the areas where everyone felt the organization is most effective. 

  • {Insert strongest area name, definition, and effectiveness rate}

Now, for our action plan. The engagement areas that came back as a priority is based on the areas that everyone felt the organization was least effective. 

  • {Insert priority area name, definition, and effectiveness rate}

List of the Five Engagement Drivers (as a point of reference):

  • Fit – the extent to which you feel your job is a good fit for your skills, knowledge, and abilities to perform your role
  • Valuing – the extent to which you feel valued at {Insert Company Name}
  • Alignment – the extent to which you believe in our mission, values, and goals
  • Growth – the extent to which you feel supported to advance your career or develop personal skill sets within {Insert Company Name}
  • Team – the extent to which our organization promotes a team-based work environment

Your feedback is extremely important to us, and your voices have been heard.  This survey and its results have given us a foundation to build upon to grow {Company Name} and create an effective work environment that will contribute to the success of everyone involved.  

We have scheduled a company-wide meeting for {Insert Date}  at {Insert Time} to review these results in greater detail, answer any questions, and share action steps based on the results.  We welcome your suggestions and encourage you to actively participate now and into future conversations. 

Again, thank you for your participation.  This is a critical step in building an employee focused culture where everyone knows their voice is valued and appreciated.  It’s the only way we can continue to elevate the employee experience and attain our organizational (purpose/mission/vision) of {insert mission, purpose, or vision statement}. 

Here’s to a brighter and better future,

{Insert Name} 


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Premium Report Email Template

Dear Team:

First of all, thank you for participating in the recent #BeHeard Survey!  The purpose was to give you the opportunity to anonymously and confidentially voice your opinions, thoughts, and feelings.  The #BeHeard Survey results are ready and we’re looking forward to sharing the results. The primary objective is to create an ongoing conversation to take action in the right areas based on your feedback to increase the overall commitment and employee experience for this team. 

The results of the survey provide an overall engagement score and effectiveness rates within five key organizational areas that shape our company culture.  Our Engagement Score came back at {Insert Score %}, which measures how passionate and committed our {Insert Company Name} team is overallWe really appreciate everyone's participation, we received {Insert Participation Rate}, which was {Below / Above our Goal of Insert%}.  We hope to keep growing that number as we continue to act on and measure our results. 

The survey revealed our strengths and identified the areas that we should make a priority so we can continuously increase our employee engagement score, which will serve as a benchmark as we begin to take action.  We are happy with our results but always strive to be better.  

From a high level view we were able to measure organizational effectiveness within the five key engagement drivers in our workplace. Based on the results, below are our strongest and least effective areas. 

Organizational Strengths

  • {Insert strength area name, definition, and effectiveness rate}

Organizational Opportunities 

  • {Insert least effective area name, definition, and effectiveness rate}

Another benefit of taking this survey gave us the opportunity to drill down to really help us direct our attention to specific areas. Let's start with our strongest engagement areas.  Our biggest strengths are based on the areas that were most important to the you, where you felt the organization is most effective. 

  • {Insert strongest area name, definition, and effectiveness rate}

Now, for the areas that are shaping our action plan. The engagement areas that came back as a priority is based on the areas where you felt the organization was least effective yet most important. 

  • {Insert priority area name, definition, and effectiveness rate}

List of the Five Engagement Drivers (as a point of reference):

  • Fit – the extent to which you feel your job is a good fit for your skills, knowledge, and abilities to perform your role
  • Valuing – the extent to which you feel valued at {Insert Company Name}
  • Alignment – the extent to which you believe in our mission, values, and goals
  • Growth – the extent to which you feel supported to advance your career or develop personal skill sets within {Insert Company Name}
  • Team – the extent to which our organization promotes a team-based work environment

Now, this is a start, and based on your feedback, we are able to pinpoint specific actions we can take around our organization’s strengths and opportunities, based on what’s most important to you.  So this is what we’ll be doing: 

  • Action 1
  • Action 2
  • Action 3

Your feedback is extremely important to us, and your voices have been heard.  This survey and its results have given us a foundation to build upon to grow {Company Name} and create an effective work environment that will contribute to the success of everyone involved.  

We have scheduled a company-wide meeting for {Insert Date}  at {Insert Time} to review these results in greater detail, answer any questions, and share action steps based on the results.  We welcome your suggestions and encourage you to actively participate now and into future conversations. 

Again, thank you for your participation.  This is a critical step in building an employee focused culture where everyone knows their voice is valued and appreciated.  It’s the only way we can continue to elevate the employee experience and attain our organizational (purpose/mission/vision) of {insert mission, purpose, or vision statement}. 

Here’s to a brighter and better future,

{Insert Name}

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Sharing Personalized Reports

To help you take the results further and personalize action areas, a lot of our clients will send managers or division leaders their personalized reports to help them advance engagement and retention within their teams.

Sharing specific versions of the #BeHeard Premium Report serves as a great coaching tool for managers to gain better insight into their team and specific opportunities to increase performance. Sharing personalized reports is available with the Premium Report only (not the Free Report).  

The #BeHeard results can quickly and easily be shared directly from your Company Admin dashboard.  The "Share Report" function allows the Company Admin to select (1) who gets to access the report and (2) what information they get to access.  Areas of the report can be unchecked to exclude.  For example, you may not want to allow the entire company to use the filter or see turnover projections.

Once the company is aligned on results and initiatives with an organizational road map, communicate that you understand that each department, team, unit, and group has different strengths and needs.  Their manager will share the results and action plans specifically for their team. 

Tutorial Video: Learn How to Set Report Permissions and Share #BeHeard Premium Report

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