Reward an Employee

All the information you need to effortlessly recognize and reward your employees while staying within your budget and creating meaningful workplace experiences.


If you have any questions about how the rewarding process works, you can quickly access the information you need by clicking on the provided question links below to skip ahead, follow the step-by-step instructions on this page, or watching a video tutorial for visual guidance.

Video Tutorial:  How do I reward an employee? 


How do I reward an employee? 

How can I determine if there is a budget available for a particular recognition event? 

Where can I find my team budget information? 

How is the employee budget set up? 

What is the experience for the employee after I send the reward?


Do I have to select a reward for an employee? 

How can I determine if an employee has already used up their reward budget?

What happens once I send a reward to an employee? 

How do I personalize the reward? 

What is the policy for returning redeemed rewards?


Reward Your Employees

Enhance the process of recognition by offering a personalized reward whenever possible.

Recognizing your employees follows the same process as before. You can recognize them from the main feed, by clicking on the Recognize screen in your left-hand menu bar, using the Take Action button, or selecting someone directly from the Work Anniversary or Birthday reminders on your dashboard. The only difference now is that you have the option to add a personalized reward to enhance the recognition experience.

Once you reach the recognition screen, simply follow these steps:

  1. Choose the individual you wish to recognize
  2. Choose the specific reason or occasion for which you want to recognize them. If there is a budget available, you will see a gift icon next to the recognition event.
    gift icon
  3. Our system will provide you with information on how the employee prefers to be recognized for the selected event (publicly or privately and by whom). Remember this to create a meaningful and personalized moment for each employee (highlighted in red below).
  4. Craft a heartfelt message (or pull from one of our templates), include a fun giphy, card, or share a video or photo that will bring a smile to their face.
  5. Our system will provide you with the reward amount available for this specific event. You can find this information highlighted in orange below the reward store title (example below, 75 points)
  6. Use the search bar to discover the perfect gift based on the recipient's preferences and location. While our system will show some options, click on the "View All" button to explore more choices within your reward budget. Feel free to input specific items they would enjoy or take a look at their profile for inspiration (such as golf balls, a spa day, popcorn, etc.).

    Select a reward
  7. Choose the gift that best suits your employee and send it their way to bring a smile to their    face! Don't worry, if you change your mind just simply remove it or choose another option. 

    select reward

Receiving a gift goes beyond just accumulating points. When choosing a reward, remember that the employee is not obligated to keep it, as they have multiple options available. However, you must select one to show your appreciation and reward them for their hard work. Trust us, it enhances the experience! 

Please note:  If you have exceeded your reward budget or the recipient has reached their maximum reward budget, our system will notify you, and you will not be able to send the reward. Nonetheless, you can still send the recognition to demonstrate your appreciation for their impact in the workplace.


The Employee Gifting Experience 

Rest assured that you don't have to stress about selecting the ideal gift every time. Employees have the flexibility to either accept the reward as is or use their points towards a gift of their choice, or even save them for something they truly desire.

For further information on the various reward options that are available to you and your employees, please click HERE to explore more.

Monitor and Keep Tabs on Your Reward Budget

Easily find your budget information on your Team Insights page and recognition page when rewarding an employee. These parameters are set by your internal administrator and will be monitored and visible in these sections to keep you updated and informed about your budget status.

The budget is structured in two complementary ways:

  1. A set amount allocated per employee within a specific timeframe (e.g., $XX per employee monthly, quarterly, or annually).
  2. An allotted amount per recognition event (e.g., $XX for birthdays, $XX for work anniversaries, etc.).


Understanding Your Team's Budget Allocation

Access all this information by navigating to your Team Insights page. 

You can find your Team Insights page by selecting it from the left-hand menu bar upon logging in to view budget information and team updates.

As soon as you access this page, the employee budget dashboard will be visible at the top. Let's delve into each highlighted section in red together.

  • At the top you will see your budget perimeters, whether it's monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or an annual team budget. It will display the total based on the number of direct reports you have. 

In this scenario, the manager has a quarterly budget of $8000 with 8 direct reports. This means that the budget is allocated at $1000 per employee per quarter.

Our system will notify you if you have gone over your budgeted amount either within the specified time frame or for each individual when you attempt to give a reward, as well as documenting this information for reference.

  • When you reward employees, the designated budget amount will be deducted from your Available Budget total and reflected in your Lifetime Spend total at the top right your dashboard. This amount will also be allocated based on the specific recognition events you are rewarding, giving you a real-time overview of how your budget is being utilized and the remaining budget available.

team budget

Video Tutorial 


How do I reward an employee? 

How can I determine if there is a budget available for a particular recognition event? 

Where can I find my team budget information? 

How is the employee budget set up? 

What is the experience for the employee after I send the reward?


Do I have to select a reward for an employee? 

How can I determine if an employee has already used up their reward budget?

What happens once I send a reward to an employee? 

How do I personalize the reward? 

What is the policy for returning redeemed rewards?