Recognize Individuals Effortlessly with Just One Click (RECOGNIZE! Overview)

Personalize each recognition experience in a single click. Access message templates and coaching tips to make each moment special.


Feel free to jump straight to the tutorial video or continue reading for more detailed information.


From the left-hand side menu bar, simply click on the "Recognize!" option once you log in. This allows you to provide meaningful recognition in a matter of seconds.

  1. Click on the "Recognize!" button to start the recognition process.
  2. Select the individual you wish to acknowledge and specify the reason for recognizing them.
    Tip One:  You have the option to choose multiple individuals for recognition (if rewards are not involved) or access advanced settings to select a specific group of team members within the organization.
    Tip Two:  Our system will provide you with insights into the recognition preferences of that specific individual.


  3. Enter a personalized message 
    (Tip:  If you're looking for inspiration, click on "Need Some Ideas?" to select and customize a message. Our system will notify you if you've used it before, allowing you to add a personal touch.)

  4. Include a giphy, upload a video or picture, or select from our library of cards to enhance the recognition and make it even more special.
  5. Include a reward (if applicable) and tailor the gifting experience to make it even more special. 

To delve deeper into the reward experience, CLICK HERE for more information.

Please Note:  If your team member prefers to keep their recognition private, the system will automatically mark the box at the bottom of the recognition screen as private. You also have the option to manually select private recognition, or it will be posted on the main recognition feed if it's activated.

Video Tutorial

The video tutorial includes a brief demonstration without any audio.