Sparck Security Program

Aside from meaningful recognition, security is the most important thing Sparck offers its customers. See below to learn more:

Data Security

Sparck encrypts customer data in transit and at rest.  We use industry best practices like Amazon Web Service’s Key Management System (KMS) to manage encryption keys using hardware security modules for maximum security.

Application Security

Sparck regularly tests our code against the OWASP Top Ten Vulnerabilities to make sure our clients are using the most secure product.  We also use quality static analysis tools such as RuboCop, Brakeman, and ESLint to keep security at the forefront of our coding process.

Infrastructure Security

At Sparck we use Amazon Web Services to host our application. With AWS we are able to seemlesly embed their security tools such as KMS, GuardDuty, and Inspector into our infrastructure. In addition, we deploy our application using CI/CD best practices, automated and manual testing prior to deploying any new releases.


If you have a security concern to report, please visit our Responsible Disclosure Policy.