Centralize Team Recognition Tracking & Engagement (Team Insights Overview)

Discover how to utilize the information, insights, and recognition activity available on your Team Insights screen to stay connected with team members.

Team Insights 

This section contains valuable insights and gems that will help you focus on the right recognition insights and make an immediate impact. We will delve into the recognition dashboard located at the bottom of the page, highlighted in red below. 

Recognition Activity Dashboard 

This dashboard offers two distinct perspectives on recognition activity, allowing you to focus on the most crucial areas for action. Let's dive into each section, starting with the initial view titled "My Recognition Activity" above. Here, you can track your direct recognition interactions with each team member.

If you see team members highlighted in red, it's a signal for you to take prompt action. Your Sparck Administrator has set a goal for you to recognize team members every 7, 15, or 30 days. If you have missed this timeframe, the red highlight indicates that the employee may be at risk of being overlooked. This could be a valuable team member who deserves recognition or someone who might benefit from additional support to improve their performance and be acknowledged accordingly.

Starting from the left side of the menu bar, let's take a look at the Dashboard overview:

  • Picture:  Clicking on the picture of each team member will direct you to their profile page. Here, you can add personal and professional notes (if enabled) that are only visible to you. This feature allows you to uncover their recognition activity, appreciation style, and more. It serves as a convenient way to jot down notes from conversations and one-on-one meetings for future reference.
  • Name:  This section will display the names of each team member who reports directly to you.
  • Recognitions Sent & Rewards Sent: This section displays the overall count of recognitions and rewards (if enabled) that you have sent to each team member.
  • Last Recognition Sent: This timestamp indicates the last time you recognized that individual.
  • Action: Initiate recognition immediately by clicking on this option to navigate to the Recognize Screen and acknowledge your team members.

My Team's Recognition Activity 

To switch your dashboard view, simply click on the menu option at the top. This will allow you to see your Team's Recognition Activity, which includes all recognition interactions with your direct reports. Contrasting with the previous view that focused on your personal recognition activity, this view provides a broader perspective on recognition within your team.

Manager's Insight: Take note of team members who are frequently recognized in the Recognitions Received column. This serves as a valuable indicator to identify individuals who are excelling and deserve special recognition from you.

Starting from the left side of the menu bar, let's take a look at the Dashboard overview:

  • Picture:  Clicking on the picture of each team member will direct you to their profile page. Here, you can add personal and professional notes (if enabled) that are only visible to you. This feature allows you to uncover their recognition activity, appreciation style, and more. It serves as a convenient way to jot down notes from conversations and one-on-one meetings for future reference.
  • Name:  This section will display the names of each team member who reports directly to you.
  • Recognitions Sent: Here, you can track how frequently your team members are acknowledging and appreciating their colleagues within the organization, contributing to the development of a culture that values recognition.
  • Recognitions Received: This data reflects how frequently your team members have been acknowledged within the selected timeframe on the Team Insights page. It serves as a valuable tool to identify individuals who are making a positive impact. Fuel their momentum with more recognition! 
  • Recognition Readiness:  This percentage indicates the extent to which each team member has completed their personal profile in Sparck. If the percentage is low, it is crucial to gather additional information about each team member, encourage them to enhance their profile, and include your own personalized notes. This process will provide valuable insights into what motivates and inspires each team member.

PLEASE NOTE:  By clicking on your team member's picture, you will be directed to their profile where you can view their personal and professional information (if enabled) as well as their recognition activity and appreciation style. 

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